Breaking News on login screen

First off I am using client version As far as I understand from the information I gathered at you need to hex edit or patch the wow.exe executable to allow a bypass of the signature check. Bypassing the signature check allows you to modify the SERVER_ALERT_URL variable in GlueStrings.lua. This allows you to point your client to read the Breaking News from any URL you specify. 

GlueStrings.lua is inside several of the MPQ files located in the data/enUS/ directory (or in the directory of whatever locale your are using, I happen to be using US English). The MPQ files I found were locale-enUS.mpq/Interface/GlueXML/GlueStrings.lua , patch-enUS.MPQ/Interface/GlueXML/GlueStrings.lua , patch-enUS-2.MPQ/Interface/GlueXML/GlueStrings.lua and patch-enUS-3.MPQ/Interface/GlueXML/GlueStrings.lua . The actual MPQ filenames are in bold. Once you locate and open the file to edit search for 'alert' and then edit what you need to add the URL to your Breaking News.

The breaking news file does need to follow a couple of guidelines. It can be a normal html document but it must start with SERVERALERT: on the first line and be named only "alert" with no extension. That's about all I did on Goatballs to set up my Breaking News.

This information was all sourced form the two sites below. They both go into way more detail than I have and I highly recommend you give both a read.

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Initial server information -

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